Ctrl-Alt-Del Course now available as an app

Written on 04/07/2024

A free, on-demand video course designed to help you reboot your life & 'force quit' your porn use.

Our comprehensive Ctrl-Alt-Del program is designed to be the crucial first step to help individuals overcome the harmful effects of pornography and reclaim control of their lives. With expert guidance and actionable tools, you'll have everything you need to see the change and transformation they are longing for.  Make sure you signpost this app to anyone who is looking for practical support and help. 

It's now available as a FREE app.

Click here for APPLE 

Click here for ANDROID


"I'll be honest I came to this course with mixed expectations, but I'm left impressed... I've needed this course for years and can't thank you enough for it."

  • MODULE 1 - The Hustle: How is Porn robbing your health, relationships and values?

  • MODULE 2 - Know Yourself: 'Figure your triggers' & how to respond to them.

  • MODULE 3 - Know who's got your back: Shutting down shame and the best ways to find support

  • MODULE 4 - Start Small, Start Now: A Practical breakdown of tools & tips that can bring freedom.

  • MODULE 5 - Keeping Faith: Optional Christian insights & advice.